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Wednesday Inspire – Who Are You Hanging Out With?

“The People Factor”

by Van Moody

“Who you hang out with determines what you dream about and what you collide with. And the collisions and the dreams lead to your changes. And the changes are what you become. Change the outcome by changing your circle.”
― Van Moody

We need to know who are the people around us because our success depends on this very thing. Who are we surrounded by? Are they people who will build us up or are they people who will remind us of the very thing that made us weak in the first instance! Are they with us for the ride or do they really understand our purpose. Are they committed or are they in our presence to be a distraction? People who are not in sync with your destiny will only remind you of a past that does not serve you.
Know the people around you… They should be traveling a similar road as you!

There are some things we do have control over and one of them is the people we entertain.


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Read an except from Finding Her Way (A Christian Romance)  – new book to be released July 2016.

finding (3)Cathy entered the Lounge area and immediately saw Sean, he waved her over and she walked towards him. She saw a couple that she knew from her church and waved to them as she walked by. Sean stood up as she approached the table, he had already ordered a drink and, he motioned to a waiter after she was seated.

“What would you like to drink?” Sean asked.

She told him whatever he was drinking. The waiter arrived and he ordered a glass of water. Cathy looked up surprised but immediately realized he was just playing with her; he ordered a lemonade and asked to get the menu. Cathy liked this side of him, the fact that he could be playful it made her forget that he was so accomplished and made him more relatable.


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