I know who I am

I know who I am, I know who God says I am; What He says I am.Where He says I am; I know who I am. Taken from the Song by Sinach.

Do we even understand how much the enemy does not want us to know who we are in Christ? Lately I have been having some disturbing thoughts. Thoughts of doubt.

Thoughts that made me question myself and my motives in a very serious way so much so that I remembering praying to God to remove self effort from me. I do not know about you but this is a very serious thing in any Christian’s journey. This is because our journey is not about us and for our gratification but our journey is one that should bring glory to God. A journey that does not serve us but one that serves others. So when I started having doubts about my motives, it became a very serious thing.

This is very hard to admit but I decided to write about it because someone may be going through a similar experience. To that person I will say that these thoughts of doubt are planted in our minds by the enemy.

The enemy would prefer us thinking less of ourselves which causes me to wonder why people cannot get the fact that Satan (who is of the world) means us no good. He does not want us to achieve our purposes and so he plants seeds of doubt hoping that we forget who we are in Christ. We however serve a God who knows all things and will remind us of who we are and what He says we are.

So this morning as I brushed my teeth the song “I know who I am” came to mind and then shortly after while singing another thought “hit” me that it was Satan who was planting seeds of doubt in my mind. I started singing the song stronger. I even found it on the internet and played it at the loudest volume because I wanted to send a resounding message to the enemy to show how God rescues those he loves and call for his purpose. I declared immediately to Satan that I am chosen by God and that I KNOW WHO I AM. Guess what the thoughts that were overwhelming me only minutes before left me immediately.

We have to declare who we are ever so often so that we remain true to ourselves. The enemy will use different tactics to get to us and when we do not recognize the attack immediately God is there to highlight it and bring it to light.

So let us pray that we will be able to immediately identify the devil’s tactics and are able to as in  2 Corinthians 10:5  “Cast down all imaginations, and every high thing that tries to exalt itself  against the knowledge of God, and bring into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ.

Very important so that we can live our lives doubt free and continue to know who we are in Christ Jesus.

Please enjoy the lyrics to the song below.

“I Know Who I Am”
We are a chosen generation Called forth to show His excellence. All I require for life; God has given me and I know who I am. I know who God says I am; What He says I am. Where He says I am; I know who I am. I’m working in power, I’m working miracles, I live a life of favor, cause I know who I am. I am holy, I am righteous, I am so rich, I am beautiful. I’m working in power, I’m working miracles I live a life of favor, cause I know who I am. Take a look at me, I’m a wonder. It doesn’t matter what you see now. Can you see His glory, ‘Cause I know who I am…Sinach lyrics.

This Post Has 6 Comments

  1. JAMES

    for sure if we could only know why we where crated, then we would have known who we were thank for this song i love it.

  2. Desmond Hall

    Just today I was allowing the enemy to fill my thoughts with doubts but thanks be to God through the Holy Spirit who reminded me that I am a Child of the King and He knows the plans He has towards me…..

  3. Karen McLean

    Jackie, you would never begin to imagine the impact this has on me. I can relate to all of it…… I can’t find words. Thank you, continue to avail yourself to God’s leading and will.

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