Daily Affirmation – Guard our Heart

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Let us guard our heart, let us be careful of the things that we portray to the world….our heart contains everything that we allow on our outside. JPJ

Proverbs 4:23 (NIV)  “Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it”.

This could mean different things to different people as our perceptions are unique to our individual situations. I believe guarding our heart is paramount to our growth and survival in this world that I usually call crazy. We should guard our heart as this will take us closer to becoming the God filled people we are all destined to be.

Our heart is central to our living, it gives life and allows our bodies to function. If  we did not have a heart we could not be here right now living the life that we are. Our heart also directs our actions.

Solomon said it quite aptly, Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.

I would like to focus on two phrases “Above all else” and “everything you do flows from it”. The first phrase tells us that “above all else”, showing us how we should prioritize; before we attempt anything else, we need to guard our heart. We also need to attach importance to the phrase  “everything flows from it” which means that our actions, our thoughts, our impulses, our convictions, our intuitions, our limitations all flow from our heart.

Another translation of the Bible the Easy-to-Read Version (ERV) of  Proverbs 4:23 says Above all, be careful what you think because your thoughts control your life”. This is quite clear and drives home the point, if there was a foggy moment in our understanding before, having read this translation it becomes quite clear.

I am an advocate of intentional thinking and decision-making in all aspects of our life. We need to choose our thoughts and we need to choose the things that we harbor in our hearts.

If we want a heart that follows Jesus we have to intentionally choose to understand and see what Jesus’ life was on earth and then choose to be like that.

If we want a heart that Loves easily we need to give love, this can be in simple things it does not have to big wows. A lot of us focus on being seen, being in the limelight, that is unnecessary as a matter of fact that in itself suggests conceit perhaps. What do you think?

If we want a heart that is Patient then we need to practice the art of relaxing, meditating and just breathing. This slows down everything and allows us to move towards becoming patient with life itself.

If we want a heart that Gives, then we need to just give as much as possible without a second thought. Do not accommodate the thought of what can I get out of this.

To sum it up whatever we want to flow from our hearts we need to incorporate that into our hearts. Let us together purposefully and intentionally decide as much as we possibly can to guard our hearts. Let us choose to not allow anything of a negative nature to flow from us. Let us take heed Solomon’s advice of so many years ago to guard our hearts. It will move us so much closer to becoming the purpose-filled people that God destined us to be.

affirmationAffirm: I choose to guard my heart above all because I understand that this is where the essence of my thoughts, actions and daily motives flows from. It is well and I am well.

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