Daily Affirmation – I need only Positive Energy

My space can only accommodate Positive Energy. As hard as it may seem there are many negative people who would like to see us remain exactly where we are this minute. If you should intentionally change and begin to shine and elevate yourself they will feel intimidated. They will resist the change that you want for yourself…Shine Anyway. JPJ

We see the messages around us everyday but do we really pay attention and assess the type of energy that we welcome into our space?

We need to be careful of  who we allow into our space, there are people who as much as they say they are our friends, they do not want to see us happy, successful and being our best.

These people will sap the very energy from our essence. They feel intimidated because we have made the move to step out of our comfort zone and shine in the way God intended us to. They would prefer to have us stay with them in a place that has no hope for excellence.

Removing these people from our space may be a difficult undertaking; these people might be childhood friends or family (our own brothers and sisters and parents). The question is what would we rather, to live the way God intended for us, or, to do what we think would be pleasing to man?

We do not know our predestined purpose, but surely God does not intend for us to be in a place of gossip, negative behavior or a non-progressive state. We all are not meant to be in positions of influence and leadership or the limelight(that’s not what I am talking about). I am saying that we all have a part to play in creating happiness and joy for ourselves and the people around us.

I may get some flak for this post but that is okay because there really are two types of people in this scenario; the ones who will create a difference in their world and then the others who will ignore the message.

  • If you are unsure of where you fit in, if you feel worthless, life is not what you want it to be; then you really need to start praying, stepping out in faith and making the change. We do not have to change the world directly but in changing ourselves we will directly change and impact our world and the people around us. So rather than feel sorry for yourself choose to be happy for yourselves.
  • If you are trying to make the change, then by all means assess the people around you and choose who should occupy your space. Your choice should be positive people who are headed in your direction, people who are like-minded. Do not keep the person who will at odd times make you feel less than you are, or, that you are fooling yourself to want better. To want joy and happiness rather than self defeat. It may be hard but necessary, choose INTENTIONALLY.

We all can experience the right energy and that is what we each should desire. As each of us move towards only accepting positive energy in our space, the world will become a better place to be in. Let us choose positive energy for ourselves and let us be consistent with our choice. We may find that the very people we had to separate from, are the very ones who will seek us out to help in creating a better space for them. A space that allows only positive energy for them.

affirmationAffirm: I know that there are all types of people in this world. I will choose the ones who are like-minded and in so doing I will become the person I was designed to be, a reflection of God. As I remain consistent in my purpose I will influence others to do the same and discover their purpose too. It is well and I am well.

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Nadia S

    Great post on point!

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