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Loving or Judging?

One of the first steps to loving others and accepting them flaw and all, is understanding that we too are not perfect and that we are all flawed. Human nature will have us always ready to see the flaw in someone else, ready and wanting to point it out and sometimes wanting to rescue the person. What we need to do however is restrain ourselves. Our aim is not to show up the flaw or come across as better. Our aim is to be able to speak to the person in a way that hopefully is mature enough to point out the flaw without being judgmental.

The Bible tells us judge not lest he be judged but the bible also tells us that whenever we see something that needs to be corrected we ought to. Here lies the problem, there is such a thin line between the two and so it becomes a challenge for us to strike the necessary balance between the two. Wanting to correct without appearing as if we’re judging but at the same time not ignoring it, knowing that our correction will help the other person.

How do we strike the balance?

  • We strike the balance from a place of humility.
  • Never forgetting that there are instances where we too fall short.
  • Acceptance of ourselves – there are times when the flaws are our very own and we are unable to accept in others what we cannot accept in ourselves.
  • Approach from a place of love – We have to choose our words carefully.
  • Pray about the situation and ask God to help you to say the right things.
  • Stand in the other person’s shoes; put yourself in the situation as if it were you.
  • Do not feel like you are an expert designated to solve others problems.
  • “Listen with your eyes”; see the big picture and not just your perception. I believe everyone has good intentions; no one wakes up intent on being a less than desirable person. At times our environment forces us to do things.

I believe when we master some of the above it allows us to get to the middle ground that enables us to point out the flaw to the other person allowing them to understand and accept our corrections without feeling judged.

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This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Only One Way

    Thank you for the word of God. The love of God is everlasting. The judgment of God is in stone. God bless.

    1. Jacqueline

      Thank you for your comment… yes God’s Love is indeed everlasting.

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