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Keep Asking, Keep Seeking, and Keep Knocking

Ask and keep on asking and it will be given to you; seek and keep on seeking and you will find; knock and keep on knocking and the door will be opened to you.

Matthew 7:7 AMP

I know for some of us, we may say it can’t be this simple; we may see this verse as folly but, it’s not. It is God’s way of giving us an easier way to live. What we must know is that as a child of God, we are under his protection. If we yield to him and we move in faith towards a desire, it does not mean we will have the thing we desire, when we have submitted and have given God complete control. We may not get that thing because it is not His will for us. And so, while we ask and seek and knock, it is on the premise that His will precedes ours, agreed?

This verse—Matthew 7:7 should be a way of life, bottom line. That we ask, seek, and knock in all areas of our lives as the case may be. It is a Christian habit we must form to stay connected with the one who truly cares about us. The one who will give us all that we need. The one who has our interest at heart. In staying connected and living righteously, then we have the best stance to navigate this journey. Everything we need is provided for us already through His word and when we stay connected to the Holy Spirit. Then, we will have a firm foot and be able to resist the enemy. We will not operate on our own accord. We will not be rash, but we will ask AND KEEP ASKING, seek, AND KEEP SEEKING and knock, AND KEEP KNOCKING… at all times.

“Don’t bargain with God. Be direct. Ask for what you need. This isn’t a cat-and-mouse, hide-and-seek game we’re in. If your child asks for bread, do you trick him with sawdust? If he asks for fish, do you scare him with a live snake on his plate? As bad as you are, you wouldn’t think of such a thing. You’re at least decent to your own children. So don’t you think the God who conceived you in love will be even better? “Here is a simple, rule-of-thumb guide for behavior: Ask yourself what you want people to do for you, then grab the initiative and do it for them. Add up God’s Law and Prophets and this is what you get.

Matthew 7:7‭-‬12 MSG

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