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Grace & Mercy Are Our Portions.

As I sit here quietly thinking about today, thinking about life, wondering if the many things I get to do are detractors or are they a part of God’s purpose for my life. You see, as much as I am no longer a child or young adult, I still need to ensure that I am in sync with God’s will for me.

Many of us believe that we have life figured out and not to pour cold water over how anyone feels but listen and listen well; our mere existence is because of God’s grace and mercy. We must understand this and act accordingly.

We must be grateful for life.
Be grateful that you have one more chance to improve yourself, the individual, then take stock of the other areas of your life that require an overhaul and change.

Every day that we get up must be celebrated and we must be driven to do and become better, not just for ourselves but especially the people around us. It is our opportunity to strive to become more like Jesus. WE ALL FALL SHORT of who we must be, the perfection that God designed us to be—because of sin. And so I say it again, but in other words, NONE OF US IS PERFECT; we are all a work in progress living by God’s grace and mercy—they are our portion. They are a gift to us because of God’s kindness and because of who we are to Him.

So the encouragement is that we keep this in mind and meditate on it daily while thinking about each other; GRACE & MERCY ARE OUR PORTIONS. A humbling thought if you ask me that will go before us and facilitate the kind of life we must live.

Lots of love & continued life. 

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