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Your promise is sure!

God has given all of us a promise of something that he wants us to use to help in furthering his kingdom and saving souls. Sometimes He shows us a hint of the “promise” and we assume how it should be and look in our lives. Remember Sarah and the promise of a son. She immediately placed God in a box by thinking the promised son would not come through her because of her age but through another woman.

Before Sarah was Moses, who got a hint that he would save his people—the Israelites, he killed an Egyptian. Perhaps Moses thought that was a part of God’s plan and promise related to his life. That presumed error resulted in him living away from his people for 40 years.

But guess what, thank goodness God knows us, and he makes allowances for our shortcomings. The beautiful thing about God’s “promise” is that it is sure. 

Later on, God used Moses, but he kept assuming what was to be done, and the assumptions cost him – he did not get to enter the promised land.

These actions are a lesson to us, to not assume we know God’s ways. I don’t think God intends to punish us, but I believe there are consequences to our actions. In David’s story, we may gloss over him not getting to build the temple of the Lord, but could it be that David’s choices led to him not getting an opportunity to build God’s temple. We see it in our lives, where our choices may lead to dire consequences. Will it prevent the purposes placed on your life from happening? No, it will not.

The point I’m making here is that no worries, your promise is sure. Whatever God will have you to do, you will do. Delays caused by you and wrong moves by you will not stop it. God cannot lie. Numbers 23:19(NLT) “God is not a man, so he does not lie. He is not human, so he does not change his mind. Has he ever spoken and failed to act? Has he ever promised and not carried it through?”

He stays committed to the promise…believe that, and you must never make assumptions about the promises of God and His way of carrying out His promises through you. 

Yield to Him, wait on Him, be faithful to him through your actions, learn what you need to, and keep the promise in mind! 

Wait on Him to act.

Lots of Love and Amazing Light.

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