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Saturday Picker-Upper “He Loves Us”


As people of God it is very difficult to accept when things do not work out the way we hoped and planned.

The disappointment can be extremely great, but, I want to remind us of a passage of scripture that will help us to get over whatever it is. But we must meditate on the words and understand what the words mean to us. And it is found in Thessalonians 5:18  (KJV) and reads:

In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.

We must understand that no matter what happens in our lives; no matter what circumstances we find ourselves in; circumstance that causes us to wonder where is God in the midst of whatever we are feeling. In that moment we need to understand that He loves us irrespective.

I assure you that in good time we will understand why things did not go according to our plan. Could it be He is preparing us for something far greater? Is there a lesson to learn? Humility, patience, longsuffering? Is it possible he could be preparing us for something that is far greater than the “little thing” we have conjured in our minds?

His ways are not our ways and His thoughts are not our thoughts,

We sometimes believe that we have the greatest idea ever, but I want to encourage you today that sometimes the disappointment is because he is giving us something that is far greater…

1 Corinthians 2:9 (NLT)…“No eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind has imagined what God has prepared for those who love him.”

So be encouraged and understand that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28

How about this thought instead…

Galatians 6:9-10  (TPT) And don’t allow yourselves to be weary or disheartened in planting good seeds, for the season of reaping the wonderful harvest you’ve planted is coming! Take advantage of every opportunity to be a blessing to others, especially to our brothers and sisters in the family of faith!

That is what right living is about…Be blessed knowing that God loves you ….

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