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I Found Peace at 2am

I found peace at 2am

Weird huh, but I can’t speak to how revelation and wisdom comes to you I can only speak for myself and suffice to say it comes at very unusual times. Brushing my teeth, in the midst of a shower with the water pelting down on me. Doing dishes ….Yes, not the usual sitting quietly and waiting for a response or via random conversations etc…

Nope, unusual situations when I’m mostly multitasking.

So imagine my surprise as I just spent an hour browsing through social media and just as I pull the covers over my legs and up the rest of my body towards my neck, ready to indulge in round two of sleep, getting quite snuggly a picture of David flashes through my mind with this thought “Live each day intentionally.”

Let me explain, so first off the situation is unusual (NOT THE USUAL WAY) so you know immediately I’m paying attention.

Life is what it is… most of our struggles come from trying our best to please others. Trying our best to live good, trying our best to attain a certain status, trying our best to project the best life for others to see, and trying our best to win God’s favour.

In trying our best we fail miserably. What we have to understand is that habits truly do not die as quickly as we would want no matter what the experts (and I) have said. It takes a concerted effort and never ending consistency and most importantly an awareness of ourselves throughout.

I think about David and I remember a conversation I was having with a friend about him and why he was a man after God’s heart.  And why despite the many sins that David did he was still favoured by God. I believe David is our best example of acknowledging one’s weaknesses and understanding that we will fall short no matter how good we try to be. You see, every time David committed a sin or needed help to win a battle he would seek out God. That was David’s way, knowing he was human and it goes to show man’s weakness.

So what do we do? Like David, we will sin and so we need to be in a constant state of repentance and dependency. Remember even our best is like filthy rags on to the Lord, what does that tell us? We can never do anything in and of ourselves to make ourselves acceptable to God but instead we need to live with intention daily. Pray over ourselves and seek repentance daily.

The best examples we see before us are sinners, none of us is perfect and that is why God had to send Jesus to save us. To provide cleansing for us daily, a way of redemption. Each day when we awaken – and throughout, then go to bed we should be in acknowledgment of our frailty and the fact that none of us are better than the other.

Understand that the projections we see before us by others, half the time are just that, projections. Focus inward and fix you because at the end of the day we can only save ourselves.

Word of advice to the “we have it all together projectors”…

Stop making others feel insecure around you because you come off as being perfect and then in their eyes they could never match up. Let others know your struggles in the Christian walk. Let’s be real with each other.

In closing: Live each day intentionally and do your best … when man has done their best, we then must rely on our Heavenly Father to do the rest.

Just make sure you are doing your best… daily, this is the peace I found at 2am.

Having tried to be good on our own and fail, we often begin to think ourselves unworthy. In that instance we are giving permission to the enemy to take over our minds and our disposition.

Shout out loud…I am worthy even with failure… because your acceptance of Christ says that you are!

You are worthy…

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