
Sunday Inspire – Who is your Refuge?

refugeRefuge – (a place that gives) protection or shelter from danger, trouble, unhappiness, etc

Psalm 46:1-3

God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore will not we fear, though the earth be removed, and though the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea; Though the waters thereof roar and be troubled, though the mountains shake with the swelling thereof…

What I know for sure is this, the same power that raised Jesus Christ from the dead lives in me. It then means that I have the power to overcome the temptations of the enemy. Not on my own accord, but, because He is within me and He gives me the strength that I need. Therefore I can rise above all that wants to keep me down.

This is the sole intention of the enemy, to infiltrate our thoughts and use it against us. To magnify our challenges to the point where we think we are incapable and are ready to give up. But I encourage you and remind you today, to speak up from the truth placed inside of you. You have everything within to see you through. Establish your thoughts so they will be full of strength to combat the contrary whispers that will come. Know above everything where your strength lies.

Today is a good day to understand how far you have come, how far we all have come and how much further we can go.

Rise triumphantly and effortlessly because Jesus Christ allows you to. Surrender and let go, giving him full control of every aspect of your life.

Know today that He is your tower, your strength and your refuge, a very present help in troubling times.

Lots of Love & Light as we all continue on this incredible Journey. Remember that Eternal life begins the day you welcome Jesus.

Make the awesome choice and begin an incredible life that allows Joy in the midst of everything.


Excerpt from Called To A Higher Service

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