
Sunday Inspire – Stop Being Hard on You

trustSometimes we forget that we are human, and the result is that we judge ourselves harshly. We place each other in a box with a label that unfortunately most times sticks.

How many times as children does this happen to us? Then we wonder why we are the way we are.

We cannot be hard on ourselves and each other because our actions are not our own (all things being equal) but they are a result of someone else’s thoughts which can become ours overtime. We have to remember we are human with human tendencies that are less than ideal.

Thank goodness we have a Father who understands all of this and despite our failures, our wrong choices while we ignore Him, He looks past them and still chooses us. He gives us a new way to see life. Wisdom to choose the right in life. The choice to be merciful to others because He is our example. Reminds me so much of a story I read in bible of the man who asked his master to forgive his debt and yet he turned around and could not forgive the debt others owed him.

We have to do onto others as we would like done to us. We should strive to be like Christ and look beyond each other’s shortcomings as well as our own.  I am the hardest person on myself. I am my worst critic and not in a positive way but now I am changing all of that. I am learning to accept myself because I understand that I am perfect in my imperfections and that I am perfect for this moment. I also understand and accept that I will never please everyone likewise others will not please me and that is okay. I am learning to not be hard on myself.

We all need to appreciate the good in ourselves and others. We should celebrate the good so that at some point it will overshadow the bad – life will become better not only for us but for everyone.

Stop being hard on you, stop being hard on others and instead just love, respect and appreciate – look beyond the here and now. We are all in the same boat and on the same adventure/journey. If we learn to love, respect and appreciate ourselves and others – then it makes our journey together so much better.

Stop being hard on you, stop being hard on others. Love respect and appreciate!

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22 Ways To Grow PersonallyThis book will take you on a 22 week Journey that will last you a lifetime. Spiritual insights will be gained from reading on everyday encounters that will test your Patience, Endurance, Faith, Ability to Surrender and many other qualities that we all need to succeed at life in a godly way. This book is for everyone who needs that extra push, that extra encouragement, that extra word from God. A singular word that will propel them daily to achieve simple tasks and create the kind of world that they were meant to exist in.
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