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Sunday Inspire – A lesson from my Daughter

FullSizeRenderI am reminded of the time I did a video of my daughter she had just turned five at the time. We were just fooling around having our time together. There was something profound in the video which I want to share with you and we can aptly call it “I Get over things pretty easily”.

That was the essence of the video as she explained away whatever hurtful experience she has ever had. Whether it was a situation at school involving her friends or this one instance with her dad; she explained at the end of it all that she pretty much do not allow any hurt to stay, she gets over it easily.

It was not until I reflected later on the video that I realized in that moment I should have reinforced to her how necessary it is to stay that way.

As we mature and face the challenges of life we find that our personality changes. We find ourselves holding on to the hurt we face and then we get into a place where we see nothing else. We hold on to the hurt that sometimes is unknown to the other party. Hence the reason why we say we let go and forgive not for others but for ourselves.

Most times it is us that need the forgiveness from ourselves and the fact that we have allowed ourselves to experience something we did not need to, had we let go and get over “whatever” easily.

So, yes, the forgiveness is for us and not really for the other party, it is allowing us the liberty to live joyfully. Guess what most times when we choose to let go / they (the other party) is usually taken care of in the process of forgiving ourselves.

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