Jeremiah 1 Observations

I came across this piece written by Laranzo Dacres and needed to share. Hope it blesses all who read just as I was.

“Then the word of the LORD came unto me, saying, Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet to the nations.Then said I, Ah, LORD GOD! Behold, I cannot speak: for I am a child. But the LORD said unto me, Say not, I am a child: for thou shalt go to all that I shall send thee, and whatsoever I command thee thou shalt speak. Be not afraid of their faces: for I am with thee to deliver thee, saith the LORD.” Jeremiah 1:4-8 (KJV).

 Now, having taken into consideration the manner in which the LORD opened up this conversation with Jeremiah, I saw where the LORD spoke facts, which in this case, were the God-given purpose of the life of young Jeremiah. He spoke it as it actually was and not as Jeremiah thought it was or what he had envisioned for himself. This chapter I believe reveals to us that the purpose for which God has ordained one is not always evident to that individual until it is revealed. Also, the capacity to fulfill that God-given purpose was built into that person. However, even though a person (in this case Jeremiah) was specially crafted to be a prophet to the nations, he wasn’t even cognizant of this reality. This rings true for many of us. The immense potential and important mission that Jeremiah was created for was not even present in his conscious mind, so much so, that when the LORD told (revealed to) him what he ought to do, he immediately expressed doubt in himself. This is because, as far as he could reason, he could not see how it was possible for him to do such a thing.

Yet, it was the very thing he was created for, and nothing else. The only reason he was given life, was for this purpose. So outside of this purpose he has no life—there’s no life for him outside of his purpose. There’s a lesson here. The LORD does everything for a reason, therefore, if we were given life, we were given it for a purpose. Life is for a purpose. We are not always aware of our true purpose or call. This is our state at times. We do not believe we have the capacity to do it, so, sadly many times our true purpose or “calling” won’t even make its way to our conscious minds.

Alas, on the contrary, we were created for the very thing we shun. For Jeremiah, no man revealed his “calling” to him. GOD did. Had not the LORD done this, Jeremiah might have ended up spending all his time, wasting his tears of purpose, crying either over some girl or the horrible ending of some romance novel. Haha.

The LORD is our Maker and He has all the answers we desire, therefore we ought to seek Him out. As He did for Jeremiah, He can also do for us. Reveal our true purpose that is, whether or not we will believe it. I even took note of the fact that even though Jeremiah expressed doubt, the LORD still continued to reveal His plans for his life. This is because the LORD knew that this was what He created Jeremiah for, and this was what Jeremiah is going to do. And sooner or later Jeremiah will come into alignment with his purpose. The LORD spoke those things that to Jeremiah were not, as though they were.

To this end, I will say that it’s not farfetched to believe that the LORD has great purposes for every one of us. I want to encourage each person, that if the LORD reveals your “calling” or the purpose of your life, do not doubt and think that you are incapable, too young, unworthy, unable or insufficient to fulfill it (as Jeremiah did in the beginning).

I guess the first reaction of humans on a whole to new information that is foreign to their minds or that they are afraid of, is a tendency to shun it or at least express some level of doubt as only the maker or manufacturer knows the purpose and potential of a thing. Seek out the LORD, for He will reveal His purpose for your life, for which He has empowered you aforetime. So go forth and conquer that which ought to be conquered!

Laranzo Dacres is the Owner and Design Evangelist at Evangelizing Teez and National Director at Speakers University Jamaica.

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