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Knowing God’s will for our lives- Which ground are you?

groundMatthew 13 is filled with many parables that Jesus used to teach about the kingdom of God. What is of important note is that even though the messages were for everyone, not everyone would get it as He explained to the disciples. Only those who were teachable and willing to learn would understand. Jesus also mentioned to his disciples something that we see happening today; the signs all around us that speak to prophesies in the Bible, yet, we turn a blind eye. There are believers today who prefer to not deal with the reality of the times we live in and so they are seeing but blind, hearing but deaf and to be point blank living on the fence. See vs. 11-15.

In this chapter of Matthew we see that we already have what we need to live an abundant life but as Jesus asks repeatedly of his disciples as he explained the parables… Are you listening, are you understanding? Blessed are those who really hear, they will receive the keys to the kingdom. The closer we get to God the better we will begin to understand and appreciate all that is contained in the bible. We will not just read but we will yearn to understand, thereby allowing the Holy Spirit to be the revealer of mysteries.

We see in Matthew 13 God’s kingdom being likened to a jewel merchant on the hunt for excellent pearls. When he finds one that is flawless he immediately sells everything and buys it. What do we understand from that? This simply tells us how valuable it is when we discover God and what he represents to us. The inherent treasure is so great and so rich that we should immediately take hold of it, forsaking everything else because we will be better off.

We also read the story about the the Sower, a well known parable that begs the question – which ground are we (ground representing our hearts)?

Are we the hard ground where the seeds fell but the birds quickly came and ate it all up? Representing the ones who hear the word but have no understanding. Listening and participating in the word has no real significance to them and so Satan comes and snatches it away immediately because these people are easy target.

Are we the shallow, rocky ground where some of the seeds took root, began to grow but did not live? Representing we hear the word and we appreciate the word, but the word does not stay with us because our characters are lacking. As soon as we encounter challenges we forget the word, making the word null and void.

Are we the ground filled with thorns that even though the seeds took root and began to grow the thorns choked them so they did not have a chance? This represents the people who really hear the message but allow the cares of the world to take first place. Once again making the word null and void in their lives, causing no change in them.

Are we the awesome, fertile good ground representing the people who not only listen to the word but also live the word, causing it to change their lives and in so doing help others to change their lives.

So once again which ground are you? If you are anything but the good ground then it is time (now is the right time) to take stock of your life.  Allow God to enter and effect awesome and wonderful changes that will allow you to begin absorbing and appreciating His word thus moving you into the life you deserve.

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