
Knowing God’s will for our lives – Storms of life

matthewIn Matthew 8 starting at about verse 23 we continue to see a demonstration of faith and what faith is all about. The disciples knew that in order to follow Jesus they would need to exercise faith and trust in Him. They made the decision to follow Jesus, they CHOSE to follow him so that had to be a demonstration of faith and trust in what He had to offer them and where He was leading them. Yet, as soon as a storm or a challenge or a situation that they did not understand came upon them they panicked. The lesson here is that if we believe in Jesus and if we believe in God, we know Their capability, we know They will protect us, provide for us and lead us on the best path for us; so why do we not rest in the storms that may try to toss us to and fro? Why can’t we sleep peacefully in the storm? Why do we panic in the storm, when things become uncertain, when things get rough, stormy and threaten our existence?

We must learn to follow Jesus and rest even in the midst of the storms that threatens us. We should rebuke the storms from our lives believing that the storms will die a sudden death. Our life is not about half-believing and panic. It’s about faith.

We also need to appreciate that we fight constantly against spiritual wickedness, darkness and the enemy. An enemy who knows God and knows us and which of our buttons to push, where our weakness and insecurities are. Remember, they once resided where we are headed, they have the information. They know God’s love for us and His plans and desire for us. These storms and challenges are not about us , they are about God and the fact that they were expelled from a place they were trying to take over, they know their hopelessness and want to win us to eternal damnation. They also understand that their power is redundant in the midst of God, in the midst of Jesus. We have been given this power too,  as we call upon the name of Jesus. We can cast out the demons represented in our challenges by calling upon the powerful and matchless name of Jesus. Demons need a place to reside and so we should never leave ourselves careless and open for them to take residence. Close off yourself by calling upon the name of Jesus; cover your life and your loved ones by calling on the powerful name of Jesus. Remove the storms from your life!

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