
Knowing God’s will for our Lives (Teachings from Matthew)

matthewIn Matthew we read that there will always be temptation (and God will allow it) but if we are true Christians then we will ensure that we read our bibles so in times of temptation we stand strong. The enemy was once an angel and as such he knows the Bible too. He knows which of our buttons to push and if we are not aware of what the bible says about our situation then he will be able to succeed in overcoming us. We need to not only read the Bible but we need to understand it too. We also need to understand that worldly pleasure can never satisfy the hunger that is present within a true believer. Only God’s word can satisfy and sustain us.

The enemy will offer us the world, he will put everything in a nice neat and pretty package ready to entice us, once again we have to be able to identify when something is real vs. unreal. God gave each of us freewill and the ability to discern right from wrong, authentic from fake, needs from wants and pure pleasure from pain. God also instructed us to run after wisdom through the Holy Spirit and his words. We cannot fall for everything even when it is presented to us in a manner that seems to be the right thing for us. We have to test every situation that comes at us. We have to know ourselves and who we are up against. When we stand the test and survive, God will restore us, he will take care of us.

Jesus will bring light to every dark situation if we will only trust him. He is light and in him there is absolutely no darkness. We should pray for his light to illuminate us always and in every way. The least qualified are qualified once they eagerly accept Christ and walk in his light. He is more than capable; he is more than willing to heal us. He has been doing this.

In closing I will just add that we need to be careful of the state that we find ourselves in, the devil waits on one careless move to jump right in.

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This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. christine Walker

    True words. Let us put on the whole armour of God so that when the enemy comes we are guarded and ready with the help of the holy spirit.

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