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The Extraordinary Power In Goodness That Triumphs Evil

In a world that has lost its moral compass, where values seem to have been discarded, and selfishness prevails, we find ourselves adrift. Our sense of identity has been eroded, and lives are taken without remorse. It’s astonishing how we manage to find peaceful sleep at night. Amidst all that is happening, many of us have resorted to adopting a “wait and see” attitude, feeling helpless in the face of daily occurrences. We often ask ourselves, “What can we do?” and so we sit quietly in a corner, anticipating the next event, with our only concern being to protect ourselves and those under our care. We can no longer envision a world of order; instead, we see a world where the “bottom must fall out,” and when it does, we hope for the best for ourselves and others.

But there is something we can do. I firmly believe that regardless of the circumstances around us, we must continue to LIVE. We must continue to fulfill our duty to care for orphans and widows, as instructed in the Bible. We must strive to think good thoughts, do good deeds, and be good people. Often, we allow the magnitude of situations to overwhelm us and render us powerless, but I want to remind you of the power that has been bestowed upon you—the power to overcome obstacles and remain unharmed even in the face of danger. We must not succumb to hopelessness amidst adversity or fear of what others may do to us. Instead, we must continuously radiate goodness and demonstrate it in our immediate surroundings and beyond.

There is an extraordinary power in goodness that surpasses all other forces. Let me share with you a Bible story that exemplifies how goodness can triumph over evil.

Joseph was the son of Jacob and his favored wife Rachel. He had eleven brothers who became jealous of him because their father showed him special favoritism. As a result of their envy, the brothers plotted against Joseph and sold him into slavery in Egypt.

While in Egypt, Joseph faced numerous challenges and injustices. However, he remained faithful to God and consistently displayed kindness, integrity, and forgiveness. Despite being falsely accused and imprisoned, Joseph continued to trust in God and maintain his upright character.

Eventually, Joseph’s ability to interpret dreams caught the attention of Pharaoh, the ruler of Egypt. Joseph was brought before Pharaoh and accurately interpreted a dream that predicted seven years of abundant harvest followed by seven years of famine. Impressed by his wisdom, Pharaoh appointed Joseph as the second-in-command, putting him in charge of Egypt’s food storage and distribution during the famine.

When the famine struck the surrounding regions, including Joseph’s own family in Canaan, they traveled to Egypt seeking food. Unbeknownst to them, Joseph was now in a position of authority. Despite the mistreatment he had endured, Joseph forgave his brothers and showed them kindness and compassion. He ensured their well-being, provided for them, and ultimately reunited with his entire family.

Through Joseph’s story, we see that even in the face of adversity and evil intentions, goodness can prevail. Joseph’s faithfulness to God, his unwavering commitment to righteousness, and his willingness to forgive and show compassion triumphed over the evil actions of his brothers. It teaches us the power of goodness, forgiveness, and trust in God’s ultimate plan.

Therefore, no matter what events invade the realm of our lives, we can overcome them through goodness. With goodness, we can find peace. Allow me to remind you of a profound truth: our focus should not be on this world, but rather on the fact that we belong to and are destined for a different world. I once had this thought: What if we are desperately holding on to life in a world that offers us nothing, only to be transported into the most glorious of places when we pass away? What would you say to yourself then? I know what my first question would be: “What were you so intent on holding onto?”

And so it is that a deep and personal relationship with Christ provides us with hope and trust in His words: “I go to prepare a place for you.”

That is where our focus lies. While we must confront the atrocities before us, remember to persist in goodness and care for one another. Stand up for each other and strive to make life better for others. Because in the end, peace will reign within you—a peace that grants you hope for tomorrow and all that it may bring.

In my Father’s house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.

John 14:2 KJV

Lots of love and amazing light.

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