Every action attracts a corresponding reaction

Every action attracts a corresponding reaction. A simple yet powerful rule that we oftentimes ignore. A rule if exercised properly would save us from a life filled with all that we do not desire and give to us what we do desire. A rule that if ingrained within us would afford us unending peace that we crave so much. Our lives result from the actions that we take and the choices we make.

I believe God has equipped us with wisdom and understanding that if handled right in our lives will contribute to us experiencing awesome lives filled with the right things. The wisdom to act in a way that would command good reactions.

We need to understand that how we operate in our personal lives contribute to the bigger picture of our lives. It is as simple as that. Every action we take has a corresponding reaction. Think about this! So why do we often times ignore this rule and make choices that go against having a good life? If we think about others first and put others in our shoe or better yet walk in the other persons shoe for but a minute…. We will begin to understand how we should really treat others thereby attracting what we want for ourselves in our lives. Am I rambling or is someone getting it? Every action attracts a corresponding reaction.

There is also flip side to this that we need to be aware of; there will always be someone who has a malicious intent despite us having a positive interaction with them. Not to worry (that is essentially out of our control) and pales in comparison to the joy we will receive by just having positive interactions with all who we cross path with.

Making good choices daily can have such a huge impact on our lives and others lives. God has equipped us with understanding of how we should operate daily. Let us practice having positive interactions with all that we meet. In doing this we are successfully moving into a better state mentally that contributes to peace and the best life. Something we greatly need in this world, we live among too many depressed and sad people. Our actions and choices can change that.

Bonus thought:

Life is pretty simple and it is all about the choices we make. If you want a good beautiful life just make right choices that will benefit you and someone else. It’s all in the choices you make, make your choices worth your while anything else is time wasting!


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