
Daily Affirmation/God is on our side

“A world without God is inconceivable”  JPJ

Can you for a minute imagine a world without God, is that at all conceivable? Can we imagine not having the wisdom of the Bible as a guide for our lives? Can we imagine not having an example through Jesus to follow, where would the principle and foundation of our existence come from?

My life before Christ had no meaning, no purpose; I lived each day but my life truly lacked substance. This is the life that the enemy wishes for us, where there is no acknowledgement of greatness within us but instead we exist without direction. A life totally opposite of what God designed for us; a life that encourages lack, self defeat, monotony resulting in us constantly being unhappy with ourselves.

A lot of Christians are living life in this manner, providing the perfect opportunity for the enemy to enter our lives. We live feeling hopeless, down in the dumps, disenchanted with life , we feel there is no silver lining behind the dark clouds. We will have these feelings no matter how good things are around us, we will have low moments that overcome the strongest of us. The enemy will want us to think that God is not with us better yet he does not exist. It is at this moment we need to recognize and understand that we do have God on our side. These are the times we will need him more than any other time.

The true war begins at this point and if we are not constantly on guard, if we do not put on The Full Armor of God we will be defeated. God’s grace and the gift of the Holy Spirit are given to us when we declare Jesus as Lord over our lives. We are therefore equipped to fight the never-ending battle that will become a part of our lives.

Our constant prayer should be for God to show us truth in all situations and for him to help us to fight or better, just to fight the battles for us. God is there to help, why would we want to wage a war against the enemy knowing that God is more than willing to stand in the gap for us. The bible tells us in Exodus 14:14 (ESV) that the Lord will fight for us, and we have only to be silent.” The bible also tells us in James 4:7 (AMP) that we should do our part by constantly subjecting ourselves to God. Resisting the devil [stand firm against him], and he will flee from us.

So what more do we need, we have a mighty God on our side waiting on our complete surrender to him, so he can work in our lives and dispel any debate on his existence that the enemy would want to engage us in. God is on our side, he will show us the truth and we will have no question because he will more than demonstrate his existence through his intimate workings in our individual lives.

photo (2)Affirm: I declare that God is on my side, so when the enemy tries to invoke doubt in my mind concerning the existence of God  I will resist him. I will stand firm in truth knowing that God is on my side and he is with me throughout the battles that will come my way. It is well and I am well.

This Post Has One Comment

  1. christine

    I will stand firm knowing that God is on my side

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