
Daily Affirmation – There Is A Bigger Picture To Consider.

affirmationColossians 3:23 (TLB)

“Work hard and cheerfully at all you do, just as though you were working for the Lord and not merely for your masters.”


Some days are weird, some may be challenging; there will always be that day when your usual routine seems monotonous. Simple tasks seem huge and difficult to accomplish. In these times we should remember that the things we do are not just about us, often times there is a bigger picture and it involves others who depend on us. It could be a simple task such as getting our kids ready; who would they have to depend on if we were to say we can’t do this anymore. I encourage you today, that despite how you may feel, just remember that there is someone who is working against you, not wanting you to reach your God- given destiny and not wanting you to fulfill your goals. He will make a simple day into a laborious one. If we however focus on the verse quoted above we will find that we will get through our days in a more maneagable way.

Things to Note

  • You will always have setbacks/roadblocks in life, how you respond is what makes the difference.
  • Always be aware that there is someone working against you, someone who is not for you.
  • Remain faithful to your tasks. You are poised to impact others and life is not just about you. There is a far bigger picture.

Your Affirmation: Smile and Say – I will work hard and cheerfully at all I do, just as though I am working for the Lord and not merely for masters.” There is a bigger picture to consider!

Be Blessed on this AWESOME DAY in your Life!




The above post is an excerpt from my newly released 22 week Devotional. Purchase a copy here and let us continue to grow in spiritual wisdom and maturity together.

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