You Are A Winner Always

The truth is there things in this life we will be able to influence and then, there are the others. What we absolutely must remember as we go through is that we operate from a place that is victorious irrespective. It does not matter what things may look like in the physical we still are victorious at the end of the day because Jesus gave us that to stand on and to believe in. In believing this simple truth sets us free.

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Are You On This Journey Alone

We are called to a life of sacrifice and we should not worry because he will bear us up. He will give us who we need to hold up our hands as he gave to Moses (Exodus 17:12-14). Do not worry, His spiritual strength is with us to carry us through what would be difficult for us in the natural. Do you want to be your best? Do as Christ would do. Do you want to experience the kind of success that matters? Do as Christ would do! below to read entire post

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