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Don’t Worry, God’s Got You In The Palm Of His Hands

Isn’t it amazing when you get the answers you have prayed for?

Recently I once again find myself questioning my path and current journey in life; I do not think this is unusual, nor do I believe I am alone in a situation like this. I believe when we have no absolute control over what life will send our way, we are likely to find ourselves questioning our journey:-

Are we on the right track,

Should we say yes to a certain opportunity

Is what I am doing a good thing, or is it a God thing?

Our 100 questions can leave us frustrated, sometimes in anguish and uncertainty. I believe that when we question ourselves or our motives, it is a good sign that tells us that we want to be in alignment with God’s will for our lives. I believe it points to us wanting a better relationship with God, and finally, when we do say we have the mind of Christ, we understand what we are saying; that we are not Him, but we want to be akin to His ways. And let me tell you, that desire puts you in a darn good place.

If you look for me wholeheartedly, you will find me. 

Jeremiah 29:13

Lately, as I sought God for answers about moving forward in the things I am passionate about and the goals I have set, I have experienced the power in the above verse. Often I thought no answer would be forthcoming, but I remained steady, and I continued to ask, and in one day, I got all I needed from persons I am associated with. There were no blurred lines as I have experienced before but just clear-cut answers from God. Isn’t it amazing when that happens, to know that our Christian walk is not some fantasy as many would chalk it up to being, and then I am reminded of the verse that speaks to an understanding of spiritual things found in 1 Corinthians 2:14 as shown below:-

But people who aren’t spiritual can’t receive these truths from God’s Spirit. It all sounds foolish to them and they can’t understand it, for only those who are spiritual can understand what the Spirit means.

As Christians, our truth is that God exists, and it gets better when He shows up for us, allowing us to experience and get a taste of Him. A taste that reinforces His goodness and the fact that He has us in the palm of His hands and if we walk in His truth and light then we will be okay.

And so I encourage you, beloved, “do not worry about anything; when the doubts come and they will, feel them and then speak God’s truth over them. Take captive every thought that goes against the knowledge and truth of God. Bring them under subjection by speaking God’s promises over your life”.  

We need to know who we are to God and who He is to us, only then will we triumph over the things that can break us. I know that it gets challenging at times, but I promise you that as long as you remain faithful to God’s instructions, (known only through reading your Bible, and so I hope you are doing that) YOU WILL BE OKAY. Your Bible is your sword in hand to help combat the enemy’s tricks or even when your thoughts fail you. It is your reminder to not worry but to rest in your Father, who has you in the palm of his hand.

Stay Blessed, lots of love, and amazing light.

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