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“Do for others what you want them to do for you”

“Do for others what you want them to do for you”… A simple rule of life that we oftentimes take for granted, it is the Law of Reciprocity or better yet it is what Jesus taught in Matthew 7 verse 12.

“Do for others what you want them to do for you”

Years ago while in college and studying a particular course, I was made aware of the concept of emotional intelligence and the role it plays in our ability to choose right circumstances for ourselves, and indirectly for others.

Emotional intelligence is our ability to identify and manage our own emotions and the emotions of others. It is being able to connect with our emotions and channeling it into tasks that deal with thinking and problem solving. It is having the ability to influence others emotions by making them feel better about themselves or cheering them up or calming an angry situation.

Emotional intelligence also deals with empathy.

Empathy is us feeling what the other person is feeling in a deep way. It is experiencing and identifying with other’s emotions. It is being able to put ourselves in the other person’s shoes and having the ability to connect with others.  

Emotional Intelligence solidifies that connection.

While empathy makes us understanding, emotional intelligence is what we use to communicate that we understand. Lack of empathy makes connection and engagement – something that is greatly needed – far-fetched.

You see whether you and I believe it or not we are all led and unfortunately ruled by our emotions, but, if we have the ability to step into another’s shoe and really connect with them and in the same breath manage their emotions, then we will actually live the golden rule in our lives. The absence of both will result in us being all for ourselves and driven by our own desires and selfish motives. This is definitely not what the world needs.

All of us, I do believe, mean well in life. I believe with all my heart we want to live this golden rule in our lives in a positive way. And so I encourage us all to be empathetic when dealing with others. Let us move away from self. Let us together think GOLDEN RULE, and become intentional in how we treat others, (positively of course). 

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