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I Pray You Have A Memory Loss

I pray that your people will experience a loss of memory Lord. So that they will not be slaves to their past, to their sins. They will not live in condemnation or lack of knowledge of who they are in Christ; which are ways the enemy uses to keep your people in bondage. Let them have a significant loss of memory so even as you are restoring and renewing their minds that they will be able to move forward with a freedom and liberty to see only you. To experience your goodness, to live like newborns getting to know the new environment of their minds.

A loss of memory to become who they need to be. No longer being held captive by their own weakness, feelings of unworthiness, shame, unresolved issues, other’s opinions and all the other situations and experiences that keeps them captive. But will live in joy and an excitement that comes only from the knowledge of you and their new life in you, their new identity in you!

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