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Sunday Inspire – Stay Low Beautiful.

Stay low beautiful until your wings are strong enough for the heights you are going to fly to.

Stay low beautiful, there’s lots of a lesson in this moment, lessons that may be hard now but will make your life so much easier.

Stay low beautiful away from all the noise of emotionless people who would prefer to keep you stuck in a rut, missing your opportunities as they did theirs.

Stay low beautiful, learn how to love yourself more than you have ever loved anyone else. It is not selfish; it is allowing you to become better and give so much more of you to the ones you are destined to elevate.

Stay low beautiful, look around and see the works of the same God who created you. Observe the small details and understand if He can make the world so beautiful then what says you, who are far more important in His eyes.

Stay low beautiful and allow your dreams to take shape. Being low reduces the mistakes that sometimes causes delay.

Stay low beautiful and recognize that you conquered all your other siblings to get here. That single feat makes you a champion.

Stay low beautiful – you are here, you are here, to do marvellous things. Your wings are getting there but you have to stay low until they are ready. Then you will fly, like the eagle you will sit on top of mountains where others dream about but will never get to!

Stay low beautiful

Stay low!

It will soon be time….

Lots of Love & Light.

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