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Taking the Limits Off

Ephesians 3:20 (TLB)

Now glory be to God, who by his mighty power at work within us is able to do far more than we would ever dare to ask or even dream of—infinitely beyond our highest prayers, desires, thoughts, or hopes.

FullSizeRender (8)Taking the limits off… No boundaries to hold us in check the way the enemy would like. We are removing the unwarranted thoughts from our heart and mind so that God can perform his will in our lives. His word tells us that he can do exceedingly and abundantly above every simple desire of our heart.

Taking the limits off… No more holding God back, but giving Him free reign so He can work tremendously in our lives. We want more yet we do not allow more to happen because we believe we do not deserve it and we are not worthy or we feel it’s going to impede our Christian walk. God does not desire us to lack anything, that in itself (lack) impedes us because we have nothing to show God’s goodness.

When we remove the limits and change our thinking – when we remember how blessed the people of the past were (Abraham, David, Solomon, Joseph, Esther, Ruth); then we will accept who God is and what he can give to us which is a life that we truly deserve. A life that encourages other believers and non-believers.

Take the limits off today and allow God to work freely in your life, allow Him to transform your life, allow Him to do exceedingly above anything that you could ever think.

Take the limits off for 2016, you are a decision away from walking into the life planned out for you. Take the limits off.

Let us together make the following our mantra for 2016.

Philippians 4:13(NKJV)…I can do all things through Christ  who strengthens me, because, we really can!

All progress takes place outside the comfort zone (2)JUST A QUICK NOTE:

We have made some changes to how we will deliver our posts going forward. We will send out publications twice per week (Wednesdays and Sundays) and a newsletter once per month. We intend on having interviews with real life situations with the intent of encouraging all of us via our GIFY Radio. Please check this out sometime.We thank everyone for the support throughout 2015 and look forward to providing each and everyone with engaging content filled with inspiration and takeaways. We are committed to doing our part to bring the Gospel to everyone and to encourage each person to live from their God given  spirit which resides within.


A free gift should have been sent out during Christmas however we experienced some glitches but will be sending this out as soon as we have resolved our issues. Once again thank you for your support and we look forward to 2016 being a bigger and better year for us as a family as we draw closer to God and He to us. Spread the love.

Look out for our Newsletter beginning in January!



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