Stop Sweating the Small Stuff

Becoming a Proverbs 31 woman is the ultimate for any one of us; if you doubt you are one, I encourage you to record all the characteristics of the Proverbs 31 woman and work on each, one step at a time. You will find that some of the characteristics of the Proverbs 21 woman will be you naturally, eliminate those, and work on the others you need to become or struggle with. 

I struggle with loving my husband through everything. Honestly, at times I can’t bite my tongue and may come across like the one wearing the pants( which, of course, is in my mind), and as women, some of us are like that! It’s hard, but I have come a long way because of the Lord taking me in hand about it. As Proverbs 31 women, we must respect our husbands as the head of the family, hands down. We are their support and not their ruler. I will go as far as to say that some marriage separations can be because of us women who do not give their husbands their due respect. Men are pretty easygoing—my opinion, and we must allow them to be men and understand and appreciate their differences from us; they do not think like us, and they never will. 

I remember asking my husband one Sunday to move a picture frame for me. After some time had passed without him making any attempt to help, I asked him again—his response was, “I will move it when I am ready, my mother never got me to jump, and neither will you, I am lazing, and it is Sunday woman.” I got so mad, and I wanted to tear him to pieces, but if I had paused and remembered it was Sunday and our Sabbath, I would have joined in on the lazing rather than insisting on doing housework. Do not sweat the small stuff—and that is what we do as women—we sweat the small stuff.

I no longer question why people divorce, once again, my opinion, but I believe it is because we sweat the small stuff. And in the same breath, I am not discrediting valid reasons for divorce because they are many, but if we looked at the big picture, we would get the picture. The small stuff gets in our way.

We quickly say he and I fell out of love, or we are going in different directions, but is it that we fell out of lust and reality is kicking in? Also, we will go/grow in different directions, we are unique individuals after all, and we will grow individually. No two people grow at the same pace, and that is one of life’s beautiful gifts to us that we must appreciate that lends to the dynamism of our lives. However, as we consider the big picture, we see a common goal of happiness and joy and prosperity and godly living and growing our family together—the foundation of our lives and all that we need. Everything else is sweet milk (smile); it sweetens the deal but is not detrimental if absent. Stop sweating the small stuff and wasting time focusing on them. 

Be happy to be a Proverbs 31 woman; I love being a woman, and it is hard to identify with women who want to be men. I think being a woman is a huge calling and a big deal. I bet a lot of us do not look at it that way. It is a significant calling. It is a calling to be the glue that keeps the family together, and a flourishing family points to a woman who holds this calling in high esteem. A bit daunting? Yes, it is, and I agree that to be a man may make life a bit easier (smile again), but listen, embrace womanhood and be happy to be a woman. Not just any woman, but a Proverbs 31 woman who keeps her family thriving while not sweating the small stuff!

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