Daily Affirmation – Let us Bury somethings!


Today let us bury the things that hold us back – fear of the unknown, anger towards others, self-centeredness, unforgiveness etc and exercise our power to choose -joy everyday, peace over quarrel, love over I cannot stand a bone in her body etc. We will experience a new and better life. Our new life will enable us deal with the good and bad and the ups and downs with a calm assurance knowing who we are and how unaffected we are by circumstances and people.

I recently watched James McDonald Senior pastor of Harvest Bible Chapel  and of Walk in the Word demonstrate something so powerful in his church. He got the congregation as well as anyone who watched his broadcast to write down the things that they thought they needed to let go of, he then got a real coffin – and all those thoughts and desires that people wanted to rid themselves of was placed in that coffin, taken outside and buried in the church yard. They literally dug a hole and had a funeral, watch this , (hope I have the rights to share). I thought it amazing and such a wonderful release to be able to bury unwanted emotions. Perhaps we should try that.

I know ultimately we recognise the good in us and if possible on our own, our desire would be to live our lives free from the everyday problems. I want to say that it is possible and it is a matter of decision, good choices and being disciplined. We can live the life we desire just by changing our choices. It can be done. Why not decide today to bury the things we know we ought to – why not literally write them on paper take them outside in the backyard and bury them but most importantly leave them there.

Let us bury those unwanted emotions, let us start living as we should, God will help us to maintain our new life through reading His words. 

Your Affirmation: Smile and Say – I let go of all that is holding me back, I choose a better life!

Be Blessed on this AWESOME DAY in your Life!

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