We are not perfect and so I do not see why we have a need to strike a winning touchdown all the time…
Give yourself a break, I think at times we try too hard to win at life and we do not have to! We can save ourselves the heartbreak when we understand that there is more to life than winning. We will not win all the time – make that one thought resonate – there is nothing to be ashamed of when we lose or make mistakes. We are all on the same journey of fighting for and against the same things in this wonderful journey of life. As I look back on my life and I compare the past with the present I must say that even though I have gone through and am still going through challenges or as it is often referred to as “the messy middle”, I still am grateful for where I am because God has taught me that the person I use to be was really not who I wanted to be.
There are too many of us walking around not liking ourselves… yes, you heard right. Too many of us walk around not liking ourselves but unwilling to admit it. We do not enjoy life; we know that there is something better and greater waiting on us, and that there is more to life than what we are currently experiencing. We prefer to hold on to the superficial and focus on what is irrelevant to our true needs (worldly things) and so we make excuses that we are okay when all we need to do is make a little extra effort. We need just a little more grit and determination that will take us closer to loving ourselves and our circumstances. For most of us it really is laziness that hinders us from taking that shot at greatness. Laziness has many side-kicks and one of them is shrinking back”; when we shrink we compromise and accept the status quo.
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