Knowing God’s will for our lives-Lessons we already know

lessonsAs I read Chapter 7 of the gospel of Matthew there are just so many lessons to learn and re-learn and re-learn. Lessons that we already know but as humans we forget and so refreshing our memory is always a good thing.

So I am reminded of this golden rule that as simple it is I wonder how many of us keep; I wonder as I look around and see the chaos in the world. This golden rule is to do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Treat people the way you would like to be treated. Imagine if we were all practicing this, wouldn’t the world be better off?

Another quick lesson is one that we see today and it is that we should be extremely wary of what attracts the masses of people. The easy road, the universal success formula, even the fact that we do not call God who he is, but rather give him names like “the universe”. There is a broad road that attracts the masses; we have to willingly standout and be different from what attracts the masses. The broad road encourages a “me” mentality (self-centeredness/money centeredness). I do understand that you need money to live in a godly way too but I do believe that service to others – removing the focus from self, comes before the money.

The road leading to God is hard, it is not an easy one and very few will do what it takes to discover or start the journey and stay the course as it requires discipline along with focused attention and doing what is right. Doing what is right goes against our innate nature to do “wrong”. So it is not easy, it is in fact very hard. It is hard training such as the type that a soldier goes through and many recruits fail. When we are done training and we get promoted, we will see how much it was worth it; when we survive, we become masters of our own trade. We take our rightful place as true citizens of the kingdom of God because we survived, we made it and we earned our place.

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