Let it go as Princess Elsa would say … Let it go.

Stop… If there is an area in your life right now that is causing you to lose focus. I encourage you to dwell on whatever it is for a minute. Feel this problem right now. See this problem staring down at you. Acknowledge that the problem is a stumbling block, a mountain that needs to be removed; a roadblock that is preventing you from getting to where you need to be. It is causing unhappiness, undue stress, it is simply an unwarranted area in your life that needs to be removed and nullified so you can get on with the business of your joyful, joy-filled, joy led life. Then decide to let it go.

Please… write it down- make it plain and in sight. Imagine what your life would be like without this problem. Would peace and calm not return? I feel how tense and stressed out you are over this area of your life and it has to be removed.
So you have written it down, what is the next step? A decision has to be made – do we have control or is it out of your control? Is there something you can do about it? What are the steps you can take to remove this problem from your life permanently? Do you need help from someone? If it is out of our control, then we simply MUST let it go and give it over to God. We need to trust him to handle it. Do not be concerned about it anymore; understand that it has been taken care of long before it became a problem. God has dealt with it, stop holding on to it. Be happy no matter the situation that is God’s will for your life. So you cannot continue in the “mess” get rid of it, speak it out of your life and get on with your life.

Realize that the enemy is working overtime, trying to get you into “his” state of mind. Can you afford that? Believe in God. Worry and stressing out gets us nowhere. As a popular teacher of the word says – a lot of us do not know that we can be happy even when our world is crumbling. That is how we nullify the attacks of the enemy, by simply being happy through our challenges. That is how we maintain Christ status of having won the battle already for us. We worry over situations that we cannot control- that’s ridiculous if you ask me and that is where wisdom comes in. How can one worry over something that is out of their control? It’s like insisting that the man or woman loves us when it’s clear they don’t. God’s people have no time for time wasting activities.

Whatever problem is holding us back … Let it go as Princess Elsa would say … Let it go.

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