Have you Surrendered? Read this & tell me

I realize that true surrender is not a simple matter but is still required in order for us to really experience the fullness of God and what he can do in our lives. It is necessary in order for us to get to a place where the enemy understands that our minds can no longer be invaded with attempts to lure us away from God who is our choice. And yet, true surrender is so difficult to the point where we “think” we have truly surrendered and we have not.
I was recently drawn to read on Abraham’s act of true surrender demonstrated through obedience to God and his willingness to sacrifice Isaac. Can you imagine having to let go of a what was promised to you and took so long to come to fruition.

How many of us would do that. A son who is flesh and blood! We cannot even imagine being separated from our physical stuff much less flesh and blood.
I think of myself and how I attach much value to the physical things around me. I realise that despite wanting and saying I have truly surrendered, how far from that truth I am. Yes. I admit it, as hard as it is. I admit it. In admitting it however, I suddenly feel free because putting this simple truth out there now really frees me to say… It’s known and now I can let go. Perhaps this is not an ideal way to surrender but it works until I get it right.

We cannot put the physical before God and at the same time we cannot kid ourselves by easily responding “yes I have” truly surrendered; when in our hearts we know it would impact our senses negatively to be parted from things we hold dear. God knows us on the inside!

So I want to declare and bring into light a few things that I know in my heart I am holding unto, simply because I want to free myself. I also realise that the things we are unable to surrender are those things that we attach people’s opinions to. Always wondering what people will think. When are we going to free ourselves from other’s opinions and understand that God’s opinion of us is the only opinion that counts!

I no longer do my nails and I hate that fact but I surrender it. That’s vanity, until I no longer attach significance to this act, I will not do it and I surrender it.

I have anger issues with persons I feel take me for granted. It keeps me on an emotional roller coaster and it bothers me greatly but I am choosing to forgive these people and surrender. I have no control in that matter. I will not give the devil room to use that against me. I surrender it.

I am afraid of losing my home and so I hold unto it for dear life, but, I recognize that if God should come tomorrow, that home cannot take me to heaven and so I surrender this attachment immediately.

I can go on and on but I do not want to drag this out. My point is this, when we speak openly about the things we have an issue with surrendering, it frees us up and allows us to better surrender. We cannot put anything before God. If it’s something we dwell on more than we need to then we have not truly surrendered. Think about it.

Hope this will move someone to true surrender….

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