God’s Plans for You and Me.

Ephesians 2:10 For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand so that we would walk in them.

Sometimes we fight the feeling of being called into a new life, an unfamiliar life, an uncomfortable life. A life that mirrors nothing that we know. A life that we did not know that God had prepared beforehand so that at the appointed time we could walk into it. So when the transition begins, it does not mean that you are crazy or filling your head with your own thoughts. It means finally God has you in a place where you will listen and have no choice but be obedient. This has been my reality; there are days when I question myself and where I am now because I compare with what was. I realize that this change as drastic as it is, is perhaps the change that I have cried out for unknowingly. I now understand that this change is a process and it will take time to get to where I need to be and what it will take to get to where God wants me.

It is an exciting time filled with the promise of being impactful. So I am encouraging you to stay focused listen to God’s voice. Embrace the changes and become pliable, ready to absorb every minute of this newness you are experiencing. Be calm and stay humble. Do not speak too much, instead, observe more, feel the changes and accept the changes. There will be a myriad of emotions that course through your being, rendering you emotionally drained at times. Understand through it all that the plans God have for you are for good and not evil, to give you hope and a beautiful future. Jeremiah 29:11. So embrace the emotions, be ready for them and where you feel overwhelmed call upon Jesus’ name he will take you through.

Embrace the beautiful plans God has in store. Do not worry about how it might look to others. That is one of the lessons you will learn… To forget about the world and what they have to say. You are in a new realm a new zone that does not need validation from the world. Embrace the feelings they are not out-of-place, they are right on time, because it is only now that your heart and mind can appreciate the future. Your future.Exciting times ahead.

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