My Best Motivational Book

I have to admit there was a time I was caught up with all the motivational speeches and books that encouraged me to look within and to try and change how I thought about myself. Speeches and books that promoted positive thinking, I use to wonder why they did not work for me as they should. It then occurred to me that not being motivated by these avenues was all in the plan of getting me to where I needed to be.

Nothing in life happens by chance or by a stroke of luck. We are all chosen by the highest authority that anyone and anything could know. He made us, He conceived us long before we were even a thought, and He knows us inside out. He ordered our steps from the beginning of time. God knew I was searching. He knew I needed to see the truth of what was really going on with me. He saw my desperation to evolve into a higher me.
So believe me when I say that nothing happens by chance (I stress it so much). It “hit” me one day that it does not matter the amount of motivational, empowering and thought provoking inspiring messages or books that encouraged me to “just believe in myself”, I cannot do it on my own.

We cannot change ourselves in the complete way we need to without the intervention of God.

So all those motivational books and the inspiring messages that are missing this element of truth needs to incorporate this aspect of truth in their messages/teachings. The truth is our inability to change us at the level of change that we need, to become who we need to be. Then they will be able to compete with the best motivational book I have ever read which is the bible.

In reading my bible I have discovered so many truths that have allowed me to change aspects of my life that were holding me back. It has taught me to accept me the way that I am. It has taught me that I do not need to be in competition with anyone. The Bible has taught me the power of gratitude. The bible has taught me to not judge but to accept everyone as being uniquely created and understand that we each have a unique purpose. So there is no need to want to be who we are not, and yes I can honestly say at times I wanted to be who I could not be.

So I dare say that if anyone wants to be self motivated and to become their best self, they should look to the Bible, the best motivational book ever written. It contains everything we need to do, to evolve into the person we are intended to be and were destined to be. I promise you.

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