Real happiness goes deeper

I know many of us wonder why people who we think have it all would commit suicide. We say to ourselves that if we had what they had surely we would not go there we would not think of killing ourselves and yet they do. We think about it on the surface but do we dig really deep within and ask ourselves why is it that the ones who are seemingly in a good place, kill themselves to put it bluntly. We may not venture there in our thoughts because we do not want to acknowledge that people yearn for more than the moment or physical things. We, who think of ourselves as “deprived” would rather stay in our zone, thinking that if we had what they had we would never think to commit suicide.

It all points to one theme, that money does not create happiness. Being popular does not create happiness. We were built in such a way to be deeper than we imagined for ourselves, that even with all the good things that money can buy , there is a deeper need inside all of us.

We were created to exist in a place of love and tranquility. Unknowingly we crave this thing that was taken from us so long ago in the garden of Eden. We had a taste of what life was really about until greed caused us to lose it all. And ever since we have been yearning to get back to that place where there is just utter peace.

That’s what we all yearn for, rich, poor or otherwise. So it really does not matter the wealth, it does not matter the  popularity,  if we do not have real happiness within then we have nothing. I say real happiness because a lot of us try to create, demand or have a fake happiness that only we can provide ourselves. Real happiness comes through knowing Christ. It comes from knowing him and becoming like him, real happiness comes through understanding that we were placed on this earth to serve and be our brother’s keeper.

Let us start looking for the real happiness that only God can provide.

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