Jesus’ birth demonstrates God’s love

Luke 2:12-14 (ERV) This is how you will know him: You will find a baby wrapped in pieces of cloth and lying in a feeding box.” Then a huge army of angels from heaven joined the first angel, and they were all praising God, saying, “Praise God in heaven, and on earth let there be peace to the people who please him.”

There are many occasions I have had to go somewhere and because I am late I have had to detour and drive through areas that were less than a welcoming sight. Driving through these areas cause me to be more grateful for the things that I have because I am in a far better situation than so many others. I do not say this in a condescending way, but just to highlight that I/We have so much to be grateful for. It also begs the question (while reading the above passage) – would we give up the comfort of our home to dwell in a place that was less than our present circumstances. How many of us can answer this in the affirmative and be real truthful about it.

Yet, this is exactly what Jesus did. He left the comfort of His home to be born in a stable and to have His first bed as a feeding box. To be born in a place that was far below His circumstances, to save people who were less than deserving of the gift of His birth. Can you imagine! Our first glimpse of Jesus’ birth was through the eyes of the shepherds, he was lying in a feeding box wrapped in pieces of cloth.

The host of angels that appeared did however show us that he was more than just a baby born in lowly circumstances. The angels appearance tells us that He represented something far greater and was a promise of peace to all who acknowledge his presence and accept him as their own. Their appearance signaled a joyful event to us all that there is hope through him. That the world would no longer be filled with darkness but filled with a light that can never be diminished.

This season represents more than Jesus’ birth; it also represents a new beginning for those who will accept Jesus into their lives. This season is a time to reflect and really understand why Jesus’ had to come to earth. Jesus’ birth simply demonstrates God’s love for us and how far he would go to show us this love. He gave us the significance of Jesus’ birth and him becoming like us so we can have something tangible to identify with.

This Christmas my aim is to really celebrate Jesus’ birth and accepting God’s gift of love. I aim to spend time thanking him for what he did for us many years ago. He humbled himself and became one of us – even though he was never like us- to give hope to us who were lost.

Let us all take some time away from the festivities and family time which is important but more importantly, let us reflect. Let us truly reflect- (while we are gathered together as a family) on Christ and focus on the REAL meaning of this season.

Let us truly worship and express gratitude to God for his love towards us, a love that we will never really comprehend.

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