Nonstop Blessings from God.

Hebrews 13:8 (ESV) Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.

Malachi 3:6( ESV) “For I the Lord do not change; therefore you, O children of Jacob, are not consumed.

Today I am reminded that God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit cannot and will not change, and whatever God says he will do will be done in our lives. Sometimes whatever is needed is delayed through disobedience or simply not truly surrendering. Delayed through not having the necessary faith to cause it to happen, but rest assured it will be done, WHEN THE TIME IS RIGHT.

I can say without reservation that God blesses my life in numerous ways, and sometimes it goes unnoticed. Sometimes it’s a big wow that brings me to my knees and humbles me. With all of that said, I want to focus on the blessings that go unnoticed.

There are times I am consumed by the challenges that I faced in life. I feel crushed to the point of numbness and forced by my mind into a place where I felt my world was coming to an end. I didn’t see that life continued and that around me were blessings that far outweighed my challenges. In retrospect, I realized that being able to rise on that morning, when I felt my world was coming to an end, was enough to eradicate my low feeling. THAT WAS A BLESSINGS. 

It’s unfortunate that through sin, we are unable to balance our lives in a way that allows us to embrace the non-stop blessings that are ours. We are unable to see beyond the fact that our world feels as though it were ending. I will remind us of what the bible says in Malachi 3:6 “For I the Lord do not change; therefore you, O children of Jacob, are not consumed.

We will never be consumed because we can rely on God’s Non-stop blessings. We will see and experience His non-stop blessings once we look through the spiritual eyes that we receive when we are renewed by the Holy Spirit. Not until we accept Jesus Christ into our hearts will we understand that we have a God that never changes, and if he promises us to keep us, he will. 

His word in Psalm 34:17-20 tells us that when the righteous cry for help, the Lord hears and delivers them out of all their troubles. The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit. Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord delivers him out of them all. He keeps all his bones; not one of them is broken. 

What more do we need to hear? What we need to do is take refuge in God. The bible tells us in Nahum 1:7 The Lord is good, a stronghold in the day of trouble; he knows those who take refuge in him. 

We need to speak and know with conviction that God does not and cannot change, that whatever he says he will do, he will and at the same time recognize that we receive non-stop blessings daily. Let us not cause any blessing in our life to go unnoticed. The enemy is pleased when we forget God’s goodness towards us; he will use it as an opportunity against us to sink us deeper and deeper in the valley of despair.

But if we keep in mind that God blesses us nonstop, we will be in a better position to rise above our challenges. We will brush them off as inconsequential. We will know that God has made provisions for all our challenges and that he blesses us through the challenges. We will receive the blessings from God and allow them to come to us quickly and continuously.

Some simple ways in which we can see and experience nonstop blessings

  • Show gratitude.
  • Constant Prayer and meditation on God’s word.
  • Staying attuned to the Holy Spirit.
  • Seeing good only in ourselves and others, leaving everything else to God.
  • Do something special for ourselves as often as we can.
  • Making an effort to embrace others, especially those hard to love, have no conditions towards others.
  • Telling and showing the people around us how much we love them.
  • Intentionally making laughter a part of us.

Lots of Love & Light

Be Blessed…

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