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Let us pray! Let us do our part in saving the world

This morning as I awoke, my first thing to do was to thank God for waking me yet again because so many had transitioned overnight who we thought would be here with us today. So I think it is only fitting that all of us give thanks once we open our eyes and realize we have another day above ground. So as I continue to meditate it occurred to me – What if I were unable to go to church and worship as I am able to? What if I worked in an environment where I had to keep my beliefs to myself or worse what if my children were unable to express themselves in terms of their spiritual beliefs? What if there were no prayer in the school they attended?It then further impressed on my conscience the trivial things that we murmur about when somewhere else in the world persons are being persecuted for something such as expressing their Christian belief. They are forced to endure this form of slavery where they have to hide and worship. In a country so close to home and others not so close, the concept of praying in schools have become farfetched. How do we expect to call on God when we have separated ourselves from him?  Isaiah 60:12 says “For the nation or kingdom that will not serve you will perish; it will be utterly ruined”. What more can I say…

I sigh because I go on to think about the different rights that persons are pushing and trying to establish, rights that open up a new way of thinking that is a radical deviation from what God’s book says. I think about the way these rights are impressed upon regular people who are on the sideline not sure of where they are in their mind. If a strong person with right standing Christian principle does not get to these persons before these rights are impressed upon them they may be lost forever. Same sex marriages being legalized, the right to die with dignity which pretty much equates to suicide. ( By the way this one is so new to me and the danger is that we can identify with it , the emotional aspect of it, but we have to know what the bible says… we do not control how and when we die…all of that is in God’s hands!!! bottom line). Once again taking prayer out of schools…perhaps this was the only institution that some children would be exposed to some form of Christian principle and the few Christian schools that are left are not available to the mass who would want to attend them.

The world today is scary to say the least and bothers me tremendously when I hear persons speak out against God in a way that is downright disrespectful. It scares me for them. I think that if individuals do not embrace the concept of Christianity it is unnecessary for them to respond in the way they do. But who am ? I can only continue to put forth the “good news” and hope and expect that it will land on ears that need to hear because really and truly and also sadly not everyone will be saved. Yet I will continue to pray for the ignorant. I will pray for the ones even though they are believers they still hide behind fear not able to openly declare that they are children of God. I will continue to pray that countries that ban praying in schools will see the light yet again. I will continue to pray for my country. I will pray that we will hold fast to the fact that we are indeed a Christian nation. That we will continue on that path despite the many who try to push platforms that are contrary to our Christian beliefs. I will pray for the many who scoff at the concept of God.

I will pray that all Christians will come into agreement and pray in general for the world. I will pray that souls will continue to be rescued and saved and that all that we know and believe will become the strongest platform being pushed. That we will not regress but instead we will push forward, stronger, because we know what is in store and would want as many of us to experience the gift of eternal life.

Let’s do our part individually as well as collectively in saving the world from the enemy.

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