God is enlarging your Border

God is enlarging your border as he is enlarging mine. God expects us to move beyond the confinements of our homes, churches and circle of like-minded Christian friends and reach out to the wider community. To share the freedom, joy, peace and everything good that he has provided us with.

Mark 16:15-16 (MSG)

Still later, as the Eleven were eating supper; he appeared and took them to task most severely for their stubborn unbelief, refusing to believe those who had seen him raised up. Then he said, “Go into the world. Go everywhere and announce the Message of God’s good news to one and all. Whoever believes and is baptized is saved; whoever refuses to believe is damned.

What are you afraid of? Are you concerned only about yourself? Is this what I expect of you? These are the questions that came to me as I sat down while further questions invaded my mind. Do I not take care of you? Why do you not do for me as much as I do for you? Is it that I have saved you, and so this is all that you feel is required of you, just to give your life to me? Do you remember your life prior to being saved? Wasn’t your life filled with darkness? Were you not happy and full of joy when you called out to me and I answered and saved you from yourself, when I brought you into the light? I need you to do for others- tell them about me so I can do the same for them.

God says just as I mandated my disciples so I am mandating every believer who has been saved by my blood. Reach out to others who need you, who you know need me. Save them by bringing them to me. It is not enough to be content with your own salvation, reach out to others. I am enlarging your borders from the four church walls. I am enlarging the borders of your home and extending it to the community that you live. A simple conversation can bring someone to me; a simple conversation can bring many to me. That’s what I did; I had simple conversations with people. I made them aware of who I am. So can you! There is no fear in bringing people to me and making them aware of the life they can have free from fear and the misleading of the enemy.

Stop keeping the freedom to yourself and start sharing the joy I have given you with others. I am enlarging your borders so you can do this.  I am with you always.

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