Continuity is a part of life

Each day gives us a new opportunity to be all that we need to be. To change what we need to. There are days when I feel I could just lay in bed all day and not move but we are all called to action.We are called to be an inspiration to others and others to us. It is a cycle and was ordained in such a way to create continuity. To enable us to survive in this temporary world.

If there was no need for continuity then God would not have created Eve to be with Adam. He would not have created man either.

Whether we like it or not life goes on and we have to go on too. God expects us to do the best with our time here in this temporary home. God wants us to extend a helping hand despite how we may be feeling because extending ourselves will help us as well as others.

I realize that when I feel less than ideal, if I extend myself a bit, I always felt better. I recently had to go to a bible study and did not want to go. I felt like staying home and do nothing. I pushed myself  and at the end of the study I was feeling on top of the world. The study and my interaction with the ladies lifted my spirit. Similarly, I was  again feeling  low in spirit and could not pin point a reason why. I prayed because that was the only thing I could think of. While praying I was reminded that God has nothing to do with anything that would cause me to feel bad. God pointed me to the truth and I immediately took control. That is what we need to do to help ourselves and others, pray that truth be revealed in all situations.

Someone said to me recently that we are living in different times and I have to agree. The world continues. Things change and as long as we can breathe we have to adjust ourselves. We have to adjust our thinking to ensure we survive and survive doing the things that God requires of us.

Things such as praying harder for ourselves and the wider community. Holding on to our bible stronger reading it more consistently. Have fellowship with others to ensure that we build ourselves and become stronger in our faith. These are all paramount to our continuity in this world.

We have all we need, we just need to open our spiritual eyes and ears and respond quickly to all that takes place in “our” world.

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