Daily Affirmation/ God’s voice

“When God speaks to us, it comes in a still small voice surrounded with peace and comfort. The kind of peace and comfort that we long for, its unmistakable. Unfortunately most of us choose to not hear or choose to ignore God’s voice because oftentimes he tells us what we do not want to hear despite the comfort that the answer to our question brings”. JPJ

I remember as a child wanting something or better yet choosing to do something even though I knew in my heart (God’s voice) it was wrong. Can anyone identify? Sometimes we even get the thing that we desire so much only to realize that it was not what it was cut out to be.

Years ago, my husband and I got this idea in our heads to migrate; of course the idea was daunting to say the least. The thought of starting over in a new country held an appeal as well as fear. Other friends had done it so why not us we thought, we both discussed it at length but the solutions did not ease the anxiety in our hearts. We wanted to be totally sure we were making the right decision. We understood that a big decision like this required for us to be at peace.

At that time in our lives we were Christians in theory but not in practice. We however decided to seek God’s approval and did what may seem unconventional but as I think back to that day we wanted the answer to come to us very direct. We decided to just open the bible and hopefully the answer would present itself without much digging.

I can honestly say that we did get a direct answer,something neither of us will forget for more reasons than one. Our answer was received in the following passage  Jeremiah 42:10-20. It basically speaks to staying put where you are and God will build you up but if you should go disaster will come upon you. Did we need a clearer more direct answer?

Despite getting this answer the move held greater appeal and we decided to go, we consoled our selves by denying that this answer was for us. So again I say:

 “Unfortunately most of us choose to not hear or choose to ignore God’s voice because oftentimes he tells us what we do not want to hear despite the comfort that the answer to our question brings”.

To shorten the story we spent 10 years apart trying to find our way back to each other which we did thankfully.  This story is very personal to me but I share because I want to highlight the importance of seeking God’s voice and being obedient even when the answer seems unpopular to us. We have to trust that he is doing the best for us. Why be like the child that seeks confirmation from parents but is still intent on doing his or her own thing. Why waste God’s time if we do not intend to be obedient. The bible tells us about moving towards spiritual maturity in Hebrews 5 :12  “For even though by this time you ought to be teaching others, you actually need someone to teach you over again the very first principles of God’s Word. You have come to need milk, not solid food”.

If we are going to become mature Christians and help others then obedience is paramount to our maturity.

So let us together intentionally open ourselves to God’s voice and resolve to being obedient so we can move to the next level and allow God to create the best life for us.

God's voiceAffirm: God’s voice is the only voice that I need to hear guiding me into the best life for myself and indirectly for others. It is well and I am well.


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