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Daily Affirmation

Squash All fuss and Do Not let it “fester”. JPJ

Persons with Diabetes understand very well that if they were to get a wound on any part of their body such as their leg how important it is to get it treated quickly before it gets worse and uncontrollable. Diabetics with wounds have an increased risk of infection and limb amputation is oftentimes the result if the wound fester and becomes hard to treat.

So it is in our daily life and relationship with others , we cannot let the sun go down on any “wound” (- ill feelings, anger, differences etc) that we may have towards another. We should not let it “fester” and get so big (out of control) that it becomes hard to treat (resolve, put to rest, move beyond etc). We need to attack it in the moment and deal with it in the moment as much as possible. The Bible gives us clear instructions in Ephesians 4:26 (AMP) . When angry, do not sin; do not ever let your wrath (your exasperation, your fury or indignation) last until the sun goes down. or another translation Ephesians 4:26 (CJB)26 Be angry, but don’t sin — don’t let the sun go down before you have dealt with the cause of your anger.

Affirm: I will not let my anger go beyond the moment. As much as possible I will take care of it and end it immediately. So it does not get out of control, bigger than it really is and thus harder to handle. It is well and I am well.

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