Heart to Heart.

testimonySo today is the day for a heart to heart. I think persons may read my posts and think I am just writing off the top of my head. They may think I am writing things that I do not experience myself but, I am true to whatever I write. They are my personal beliefs, they are my experiences or another’s experience but everything I write is real, even though to some it may seem like fluff and hard to identify with. I believe that if we allow ourselves to open up and receive the gift of grace that God freely gives to those who believe our lives will be changed. I believe that if we change our mindset we will see things differently we will also experience life differently too. Yes I understand it’s not easy to just get up and change but in the same breath I am saying its easy…. Weird huh, but what makes it easy is making the choice and sticking to it, praying to God to give you the faith, patience and perseverance to keep at it.

So I want to share something that is profound. Well profound for you who are reading but not really for me God has proven himself time and time again to me ever since I truly opened up myself to him and allowed him to take full control. So last night as I was “doing” and being obedient to a call that God has placed in my life which I will share at the appropriate time; this feeling of disenchantment came over me like I couldn’t bother, I felt the task was too great a task that God had placed before me. I started to question myself and allowed doubt to creep in. I then took stock of the situation and decided I was not going to allow satan to whisper defeat and breathe negativity into my space or my spirit. The task seems huge I must admit but I said to God, “I need to hear from you right this minute”, I said “you know I don’t need this doubt right now, I need to hear from you, I need some encouragement”.

I took up my phone hoping to get an inspiration and a leading to a scripture that would give me what I was looking for at that moment. There is a bible application on the phone that gives me daily verses and so I selected the verse instead of going straight to the bible and this was the verse of the day

Hebrews 6:11-12 (NIV)
We want each of you to show this same diligence to the very end, so that what you hope for may be fully realized. We do not want you to become lazy, but to imitate those who through faith and patience inherit what has been promised.

Now tell me how can we even think that God does not exist.  It spoke to exactly how I was feeling at that moment. I just laughed to myself and said “thank you God”.

God is always right on time when we need him, but he can only help us and work in our lives when we open ourselves to him. We need to trust him completely and know that he has our interest at heart… I could not have asked for a better message at that moment. So let me reinforce that all my messages are from God. I am not a writer but he has placed a dream in me that is bigger than I am and that is how I know when that I am on the right path, because it makes me acknowledge that I am not in control but God is.

I got further reinforcement this morning when I read today’s devotional from Rick Warren (my friend Nadia sends me this every day, sometimes I get to it immediately and sometimes I don’t but whatever the reason was I read it this morning) and it is entitled “How to stand against Popular Opinion” click here to read.

Can I say that this devotional also spoke to me and was also right on time, lately I have been thinking as I mentioned earlier that at times I think my content is too heavy. I think majority of persons cannot identify with the message of believing in yourself or having big dreams or even opening up yourself to God’s blessings through exercising your faith and being patient. So sometimes I want to water down things and make them more acceptable to all. God gave me an answer here also, I cannot adjust my true belief to fit in and be accepted by the mass. I need to remain faithful to the calling and the messages that he has placed in my heart to share. I will not reach everyone and in fact the messages are not for everyone but God is in control and I am allowing him to work through me so whoever needs to hear will hear.

So my friends I cannot highlight anymore how important and life changing it will be when we allow God into our space, I can attest to it. I know where I was 1, 5, 10 year(s) ago. I am not writing anything that I have not experienced for myself. Allow God full reign in your lives and you will see the difference. Just try it I dare you.

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