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When God seems distant…

What do we do when God seems distant, do we:-

* Become anxious

* Scared/fearful

* Return to our old ways

* Allow the devil to whisper lies in our ear

* Question ourselves and our confidence in our faith.

* Seek fulfillment by turning to others…?

I believe when God seems distant and we feel disconnected and unable to focus in prayer; we may say to ourselves “this should not be happening to me… I read my bible, I pray every day… yet we remain confused as to why we are not feeling his presence

Well, more than ever, this is the time we should pray more, read our bibles more and remain consistent in our worship.

The moment we give into the negative feeling, is the moment we give access to the devil. Access that allows free reign in our space and lives – the result, havoc. In Luke 11:24-26 there was an unclean spirit that was driven out of a man. The unclean spirit wandered aimlessly unable to find a place to lodge, then decided to return to the man that he was driven out of. When he returns he is also unable to enter the man by himself so he had to get seven other unclean spirits who were stronger than he was and so they entered the man.

Don’t fall in the doubter trap; whenever we doubt and question ourselves and doubt the fact that as Christians we are the righteousness of God, we become easy prey for fear, anxiety, depression, low self esteem to become our order of the day.

Could this have been a test/challenge given to us by God to see how strong in faith we are, to see how focused on Him we really are, then we would have failed.

We need to always remember that God is love, He is always and will always be with us despite what it may seem, He will never leave us.

Might I add that the devil hates consistency; and so we must be consistent, focused and committed to the practices that encourage our hearts to be filled with the knowledge and truth of Christ and what He means to us. Continue to pray, continue to read the bible, and continue to sow seeds of love to all you encounter.

Let us demonstrate to God that irrespective of our feelings about the disconnection we are faithfully committed to Him. Then we would have passed the test if there was ever one…

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Nicholas Dyke

    Very encouraging….I really needed that.

    1. petajohn27

      God is awesome…I am just a vehicle for sending out his messages.

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