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What kind of Love do you have, Conditional and Selective Love?

Today I was given a profound word that somewhat troubled my heart. Not out of fear or anything like that because fear does not exist in me. I was little troubled so I cried and this is what it was.

I thought I was filled with the right type of love but was made to realize that the love that I am so called filled with is very conditional and selective. It bothered me because here I am talking about love for self. Love for people. Love for every day and for every occasion. Instead I was shown in a very clear way that I choose who I love and when I want to love them.

Surely this is not the type of love God intended us to have.

So now I have to take a step backwards to correct this conditional and selective love that is within me. I have to pray that my spiritual eyes will be opened so I can only see feel and express the kind of love that God placed inside of me. Life is a never ending journey and I am thankful for the spirit within me that guides me. The spirit within that is committed to me becoming all that God intended me to be.

This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Helen Duhaney

    Very profound. And I totally agree with you…i think quite a few of us as Christians are guilty of being selective about who and how we love. And like you say it is something we really have to pray about daily.

    1. petajohn27

      Yes Helen…at some point God reveals to us our inadequacies and help us to correct them, it is a journey.

  2. Sylvia Walker

    As humans I think we all have selective love, which is wrong we each need to take that step back and pray that the love be genuine and for all. I was sitting at the hospital waiting to be called by the doctor. A young man approached me, after greeting me he asked how I think humans should live. I spoke to him at length talking about love, and loving each other. At night when I went to bed and it all came back to me, how do I talk to someone and I am not living the advise I am giving.

    1. petajohn27

      Awesome… Seeing it for yourself is the beginning…

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