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Sunday Inspire – Be your own kind of beautiful

Be your own kind of beautiful today the way only you know how to.

Do not let it look like the world’s standard -🤣absolutely not! Choose to be what you want to be today (as long as it is legal and hurts no one) then make it habitual. Divorce yourself from other’s opinions – … quiet down, relax, breathe deep, focus inwards on you and what it takes to be you.

Know what makes you happy or sad and deal with each accordingly, ultimately know what brings you peace

Know who you are, accept yourself and be yourself. Authenticity gets us in a realm where life feels, smells, tastes, sounds and looks beautiful and perfect, just for us. You can get there when you choose to.

So many times we get caught up with the wrong situation because of one reason or the other… it is okay, do not knock yourself. That is life … but what is also life is, to not roll with the punches, but, see them, acknowledge them, choose to divorce yourself from them, then, recreate a new you. This new you lives genuinely and unpretentiously so as to give others permission to live the same.

As women I encourage each of us to get to a higher level where we live the way our spirit craves and not satisfy our souls. Then our souls will rise to the spirit level where we find everything we desire.

Rise today and find your own kind of beautiful… it is so waiting on you!!!

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