Stop Playing It Safe

So this morning the passage of scripture found in Matthew 25:14-30 came to mind. It’s the parable of the talents or the investment as the message version describes it. I am sure you know it well where the master distributed money to his servants or workers and asked them to take care of it until he gets back. I want to pay attention to the last worker however who buried his. But before I continue I also feel compelled to share with you a part of a write up that I read on Marshawn Evans Daniels' (a virtual mentor, love her) blog that has somewhat confirmed or reaffirmed what I read in Matthew 25 vs. 28-30. "God calls us to significance not safety and security, God reinvents us to reposition us for greater purpose"Marshawn Evans Daniels

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The Game-Changer!

There is no 60 day money-back guarantee attached to this suggestion; what there is however is a chance for us to do something different from what we have been doing. This may be the needed game-changer that will help in making better decisions resulting in us getting closer to the life we dream of and doing the things that will take us closer to that goal we have for our lives. Its worth a try! read more, click below...

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