At times I find myself surrounded by noise when I need to be in solitude, seeking God’s will for my life in the particular moment. A moment filled with confusion. Can you identify? A moment where nothing seems possible, there is nowhere to turn, no outlet of escape, and I can’t be and do the things that I am called to, because of course, confusion reigns. The enemy wants us in this space, a place of confusion, and within this space, we forget that our lives must reflect order.
Did you know? Where confusion reigns, we must never be. So listen keenly; God is a God of order, and we are created in His image, so why must we be confused.
How can we have order? By listening for the voice of God. It is that simple. God’s voice directs us where we should go, but we cannot hear him if we are overwhelmed. It is so important to find time during the day to quiet down. Recently I commissioned my daughter to place a reminder on my phone, and so, every 1:15PM, I get a notification with soothing music and a woman’s voice telling me it’s time to get quiet. Sometimes we must do whatever it takes to keep ourselves in order.
Hearing God’s voice comes with discipline and with practice.
I often say that for us to succeed in life, we must read God’s word and not only read but allow it to come alive in our lives. Many times we read the bible in passing, a ritual, an obligation that makes us feel better about ourselves and our lives as Christians ” Oh, I read Psalms 100 today’ I have done my good deed. That is not how it works—no growth comes from that attitude. We must always be moving towards spiritual maturity, and that means whatever we do, we do to the glory of God because we know that it makes us better people and brings us in a closer relationship to Christ, and makes us more like Him.
We must pray for spiritual discernment, and then we must deliberately walk in spiritual discernment to identify and make decisions surrounding what makes us better Christians and what we must remove from our lives (read more about spiritual discernment here).
Practice solitude, practice quieting down at some point every day, meditate on scriptures, ask God to clear your mind of all that needs to go so that you will be able to hear Him, then make the best decision. Believe that when you intentionally get quiet, the way will become evident. Becoming quiet also facilitates us walking in faith and trusting God more; this is because you will have the kind of relationship with Him that allows you to know that whatever you do, you are covered. You will seek Him first without thinking about it because you would have developed the habit of relying on Him. Get my drift? Begin to listen for His voice, start today, and see the transformation that will come.
Nothing beats quiet time with God. I’ve proven that it works and the Holy Spirit always meets you at that place and time. Blessings
Yes, exactly so and we must quiet down, that’s the only way we will hear.