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Tales To Tell

Take a break, breathe deeply, and gently listen to the sound of your heartbeat. Connect to the source of all that makes you come alive. The wonder of it all. Did you at any point think yourself capable of all that you do daily. Did you think you have the powers to be the super person you are? Did you think it’s all you?

Well, simply put, it is not. And yes, I know you know, but do you live with this awareness daily. If you did, surely you would be in constant awe of the one (you know) who does, The almighty God, The Omnipotent, The Omniscient, The Omnipresent. Our Father, who sees and knows all things. See what I’m getting at? 

If we lived in a constant state of awareness, knowing who He is to us and who we are to Him, is it possible our life and our experiences would be different? 

Would we take charge of our circumstances and fearlessly go after the things we desire? Would we separate ourselves from the things and experiences we know are meant to harm us? I bet we would stop second-guessing ourselves and instead believe in our abilities—we are created in His image, and that my friend says we are well equipped. How about commanding our physical circumstances to conform to the things that exist in the spiritual. It is similar to him instructing us to pray thy kingdom come, thy will be done here on earth as it is in heaven. Perhaps we would love and give unquestionably because we know the source of our ‘getting’ is infinite and limitless? We would know when the world says no, our Father says yes, and that makes us unstoppable in our endeavors. We would speak life because we know that our words cause life or death.

I have tales to tell.

Our lives reflect our beliefs, and that does not say much about us as Christians as we peruse the landscape of existence, our reality. Most of us live from a defeatist position. Do we really know God?

We all have everything we need to live amazingly. Why not start by writing your ideal life. Like, seriously deciding that, hey! Here is where lack, fear, and comparison end, and here is where I act on faith and take charge or dominion if you prefer and begin to live. The enemy no longer has a say because Prayer, faith, and focused action become our modus operandi.

We will practice the following:

  • Gratitude for all we have.
  • Tithing because of the promises of provision and protection.
  • Awareness that not every good thing is a God thing and in so doing exercise good judgment.
  • Ask for what we need, wisdom, knowledge, and patience. The things that give us an advantage over the things that want to keep us down. 
  • Kindness through service to others.
  • Intentionally being positive and happy because we know what we exude will be our reality.
  • Pray and read our bibles consistently, ensuring that we remain aligned to the precepts of God.

…and so much more that keeps us on the straight and narrow.

Listen, life can be stress-free and a beautiful journey. One that eliminates the knots in our bellies, the uncertainties, the fears, and allows us a less arduous journey. Don’t believe it? I am inviting you to try. What do you have to lose?

Try life God’s way.

Lots of Love and Amazing Light!


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